Fees and Funding
London Film Academy (LFA) aims to provide cultural and social diversity by offering talented students with filmmaking ambitions and a strong work ethic the opportunity to develop and progress, 无论背景如何.
我们希望LFA成为其他大学的榜样, 给有才华的人在bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作上取得成功的机会, by broadening horizons and access to the opportunities available in filmmaking and by improving social mobility. LFA希望增加来自弱势家庭的优秀学生的数量, 能够参加我们的bwin娱乐, 通过促进包容和提供财政援助和支付支持.
LFA希望帮助那些表现出高标准工作和勤奋的学生, but don’t have the financial means or ability to meet the course fee payment schedule required to attend our academy.
对于需要经济援助参加LFA的学生, we have several opportunities for financial support in the form of scholarships for UK students on our BA (Hons) Filmmaking course, work opportunities for UK students and payment plans for both UK and International eligible students.
UK Applicants
For successful UK applicants to our BA (Hons) Filmmaking course who require financial assistance, 我们提供机会申请:
The BA scholarship (for those who can evidence a working-class or low socioeconomic background, 具体标准适用).
A Payment Plan to make the payment of course fees more manageable by spreading the cost of payments and paying in instalments across the academic year (certain restrictions apply).
For our successful international applicants to our BA (Hons) Filmmaking course who require financial assistance, 我们提供机会申请:
A Payment Plan to make the payment of course fees more manageable by spreading the cost of payments and paying in instalments across the academic year (certain restrictions apply).
UK Applicants
For our successful UK applicants to our postgraduate courses who require financial assistance, 我们提供机会申请:
A Payment Plan to make the payment of course fees more manageable by spreading the cost of payments and paying in instalments across the academic year (certain restrictions apply).
For successful international applicants to our postgraduate courses who require financial assistance, 我们提供机会申请:
A Payment Plan to make the payment of course fees more manageable by spreading the cost of payments and paying in instalments across the academic year (certain restrictions apply)
More Information
LFA offers scholarships to successful UK students who require financial assistance to attend LFA. 奖学金最多可减免全部bwin娱乐费用的50%, 参赛费用目前为44英镑,000.
Am I eligible?
有资格申请文学士奖学金, 申请人必须已成功获得录取通知书, 是英国居民,并清楚地证明他们来自低社会经济背景. Applicants are also required to be eligible and have made an application for a student loan of £7,200 from Student Finance.
How to apply
Applicants need to notify the Admissions team that they wish to be considered for the BA scholarships by emailing admissions@foveaprod.com.然后他们会收到一份申请表 and asked to complete a financial plan and a 500-word statement that supports their claim, 同时提供详细说明其财务状况的具体文件.
Applications will be reviewed and shortlisted candidates will then be invited to an interview. Outcomes will be communicated in writing in the summer semester in line with the UCAS DBD date.
LFA跑者计划 is a developmental opportunity for successful UK and International students who require financial assistance to attend LFA, 使他们能够边学习边赚钱. 跑步者向设施经理汇报,最高可赚3英镑,500, 一学年灵活工作.
跑腿向设施经理汇报,并在后勤部工作, on an ad-hoc basis, 整个星期和周末. Activities mainly include duties such as working with our Front of House Team to welcome students and visitors to LFA, reception support, 并为未来的学生提供参观大楼的机会. 临时职责包括与我们的制作和后期制作团队合作, 协助拍摄,设置和维护编辑实验室套件, 以及所有工作室的维护, 包括检查所有胶片包和耗材的库存.
Recipients are expected to be advocates for LFA and support us by assisting our Marketing Team, where requested.
Am I eligible?
- Students are eligible to apply for the programme if you can clearly evidence that you are from a low socio-economic background or require financial assistance to attend the course.
- You have a valid offer or are already enrolled on a BA or one of our MA courses at LFA for the upcoming academic year.
- 您是英国或爱尔兰公民,或有权在英国工作. 持有工作许可的学生签证).
How to apply
跑步者角色的申请在夏季学期开放. 申请人需要通过电子邮件向招生办申请 admissions@foveaprod.com.然后他们会收到一份申请表, 要求提供最新的简历,并需要填写一份支持声明, detailing why they feel they are the right student for this role and how their skill set and experiences to date will benefit the LFA Runner Programme. 成功的候选人将被邀请参加面试. 结果将在夏季学期以书面形式传达.
Payment Plans
This scheme for students aims to make the payment of course fees more manageable by spreading the cost of payments and paying in instalments across the academic year (certain restrictions apply).
Am I eligible?
学生有资格申请付款计划和分期付款,如果, 出于经济原因, 他们无法在录取通知书上规定的日期之前支付全部学费.
How to apply?
要申请付款计划,请通过电子邮件向招生处索取申请表 admissions@foveaprod.com 并在被要求时提供相关的支持证据. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis and successful applicants will be required to sign a payment agreement with LFA, 称为付款计划.
British Council
The British Council Study UK website is an excellent and comprehensive guide to sources of funding for EU and international students and lists a selection of scholarships that are available for students by nationality. 它还包括一个有用的指南,概述了在英国生活和学习的信息. 你也可以联系你的当地人 British Council office to find out what it can offer students from your country who wish to study in the UK.
This is a scheme set up to help international students wishing to study in the UK with a view to using the skills they have learnt to benefit their country on return. 这在100多个国家都有.
This organisation offers finance to young Americans of high ability to study for a graduate degree in the UK.
This is the best scholarship website for international students looking to meet their financial needs. You can browse comprehensive scholarship lists available for a wide variety of destinations abroad.
Gov.uk website
www.gov.英国/ postgraduate-scholarships-international-students
You can apply for a postgraduate scholarship from the UK government to cover things like course fees and the cost of living when you study in the UK.
Film and TV Charity
bwin体育苹果下载iOS和电视慈善机构是作为一个慈善基金成立的,它关心自己的人, 在过去的100年里, 是否帮助人们克服了一系列个人和职业上的挑战. 24小时影视支持热线, offering access to legal and financial advice and counselling to anyone who needs it they ensure that everyone who works behind the scenes in film, 电视和bwin体育苹果下载iOS得到了支持.
There are grants available for Swedish students to cover course fees and living costs for studies in the UK. 查尔斯华莱士信托基金(印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、缅甸/缅甸).
华莱士信托基金为来自印度的学生提供资助选择, Pakistan, Bangladesh, 缅甸帮助支付在英国的生活费用和教育发展
This comprehensive website for postgraduates outlines how to plan and organise your finances, 包括一个可搜索的数据库,以确定您是否有资格获得资助.
This informative site serves the interest of international students by offering guidance on funding your studies, 以及在英国生活和签证的小贴士. UKCISA不直接提供资金.